Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Mission Statement

To my friends visiting this site you may be wondering why? Why did this person create a country music website? Well the truth is I love Country Music. I live in a part of the country where my favorite genre of music just isn't as appreciated as it is in most of the country. Therefore, I really have nobody to discuss my different opinions and thoughts on country music with. Since I listen to country music so often and read about country music every day on various blogs, I have a lot to say and nobody to say it to! Ultimately, I would love for this blog to b a place where we have great discussions about the music we love and love to hate. I will do reviews, think pieces and anything else the future readers of this blog suggest. I'm not doing this to make money (I won't) and I am a busy person with a job, internship and I am a full time college student but, I have a passion for Country Music and have wanted to start a Country Music blog for years. I have been inspired by some outstanding blogs that have turned me on to music that I would never have found without them, shout out to Saving Country Music and Country Perspective. My only goal is that this blog gets an audience that enjoys our content and that we can have intelligent conversations about our passion of Country Music.

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